Thursday, August 27, 2009

So much...

I have so much to say, but I am emotionally drained and physically exhausted from this day. I had to post, though, just to offer up a wish, a hope, a prayer, for Mirne and Craig...I cannot wait to see the pictures of their smiles and their new baby boy. I hope that somehow Freyja and Kees can look down on their mama and dad today...

and to ask for a wish, a hope a prayer...
a friend of a friend of mine had 2 textbook pregnancies and decided to do possibly the most selfless act on earth and become a surrogate mother. She chose (or was chosen? I don't know how this works) a couple who has lost TWO sets of twins.
She is in her second trimester, and today at the big u/s the baby was diagnosed with Down's Syndrome. She is very worried, and feels guilty, and is very unsure of how this pregnancy will continue, and doesn't have a lot of say in any of it.

Oh, my. I can't even begin to understand the complications of this.


Hope's Mama said...

Goodness. I don't know what to say. But my thoughts are with your friend and the parents. Please keep us updated.
And I can't stop thinking about Mirne and Craig either.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is very sad news about the Down's Syndrome. Where do they go from there. I will pray for all involved.

Yes, I am waiting too for the pictures from Mirne. I am praying hard for their new little one.

Akul's mama said...

I do this prayer on thursday which is the hindu mantra for child birth. As I was doing my ritual today, all I thought about was Craig and Mirne and their baby. Please God let their baby be safe and today and for his parents entire life time.

Tina said...

Oh goodness, what a difficult situation for your friend to be in. It must be so hard when the final choices are not your to make, yet it is your body they are making choices about.

I too have been thinking of Mirne and Craig all day. I cna't wait to see their new beautiful baby.

Akul's mama said...

I just gave you an award. Please check my blog.

Catherine W said...

I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I also can't begin to understand the complications of the situation.

Thinking of Mirne and Craig. xx

Anonymous said...

Wow. I don't understand it. It's so overwhelming. I'm so sorry for the couple and for the surrogate mom.

Kristy said...

Wow, I can't imagine how she is doing, and dealing with everything to come. Especially since the decisions are 100% out of her hands. :( I hope for much peach to her in the coming days...and much peace to the biological parents.

Bluebird said...

So overwhelming. Complicated. Confusing.

Holding them all in my thoughts and prayers.